Adult Recreation provides pre-planned supported recreation opportunities. Each event is supervised by the program’s staff and volunteers.

Each month, members can choose from an array of activities, including, but not limited to: sports, crafts, fine arts, health and wellness, overnight trips, and more. Each event is designed to match a variety of interests and skill sets. Adult Recreation events are a great place to meet friends with common interests, learn new skills and hobbies, and to find engaging and entertaining ways to spend free time.

A group of Adult Recreation members stands in front of a vibrant sculpture in the shape of a tree with giant butterflies at the top, making up the leaves

Admission Criteria

• At least 18 years of age
• Resident of St. Charles County
• Documented diagnosis of a developmental disability
• Must have a Department of Mental Health (DMH) ID number
• Free from severe behaviors that are dangerous to self or others
• Able to participate in events with non-medical personnel

For Current Members

Annual Renewals

Members are required to complete renewal paperwork. Renewal packets will be mailed to each member annually.

Events Calendar

Event calendars are available online every month. Event sign-ups must be submitted by each calendar’s listed deadline. Late sign-ups will not be accepted. If members do not sign up by the date listed on the email, they will not be able to participate in events offered in that month.

  • Registration opens on the 1st of the month in the month prior to the event (ex: June 1st for July events).
  • Registration closes on the 15th of the month in the month prior to the event (ex: June 15th for July events).
  • Acceptances are typically sent by the 22nd of the month in the month prior to the event (ex: June 22nd for July events). Acceptances could be delayed if the 22nd falls on a weekend or holiday.

*Please Note: these dates are subject to change.

“It gets me out of the house and I actually do stuff with other people.”

Shawn, Adult Recreation Member

I’m Interested!

Interested in learning more about Adult Recreation? Tell us more about the potential member:

Step 1 of 3