2021 Annual Report
July 1, 2020-June 30, 2021
From the President:
In July of 2020, we were getting comfortable with a totally new way of doing business, but still hopeful that the COVID19 Pandemic was beginning to wane, and things could return to “normal”. However, we quickly learned that we needed to create a “new normal” – which included agility, creativity, comfort with chaos, patience, tenacity, and embracing constant change. Our Vision and Mission were our touchstones, our focus, our stability, our ‘why’.
We were not able to get back to fully serving everyone in every program by the end of the fiscal year. We were, however, able to offer some new services as well as providing services in many more ways than have ever even been dreamed of in the past.
Through the help and collaboration of our funding sources, colleagues, and community partners, we were able to stay financially viable, even though our services were reduced. And, I can’t say enough about the resiliency and dedication of our direct support service providers and their supervisors. The staffing crisis is real! It had been a factor in our industry even before the pandemic, and now lack of staff has hit all sectors. Our staff are the heroes in the ongoing adventure saga of ensuring the individuals we serve will reach their highest potential and live their best possible lives.
Community Living, Inc. is okay! We’re surviving and even thriving in some ways. We are so thankful for all our supporters and optimistic about the future. There is much to be done and lots of potential…thank you for your support, care, patience, and trust.
Barb Griffith, President and CEO of Community Living, Inc.
Community Living, Inc. is committed to excellence and compassion in providing innovative services for people with disabilities.
Meet Our Community
Participant Demographics:

Male: 65%
Female: 35%

Caucasian: 81%
Other/Unknown: 8%
African American: 7%
Asian: 2%
Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 1%
Hispanic/Latino: 1%
Multi-Racial: 1%

0-5: 4%
6-14: 27%
15-19: 22%
20-34: 26%
35-54: 14%
55-64: 6%
65+: 2%

Autism: 33%
Intellectual: 27%
Other: 15%
Learning: 7%
Down Syndrome: 7%
Unknown: 7%
Cerebral Palsy: 3%
Board of Directors
Christopher C. McCoy, Chair
Retired, Regions Bank
Joe Schneider, Vice Chair
Cushman & Wakefield
Carolee Patek, Past Chair
Retired, St. Louis University
Mary Alsup-Niedergerke, Treasurer
First State Wealth Advisors
David M. Robben, Secretary
Behavioral Health Response
Sue Bazzell
Retired, BJC-per diem at SSM
Kevin D. DeSain
Retired, The Clayton Engineering Company, Inc.
Michael Ebers
Steris Corporation
Joe Hallemeier
St. Charles School District
Kyle Hannegan
BHHS Select Properties – The Kyle Hannegan Group
Thomas E. Howat
Modern Ice Equipment & Supply
Margo Jarrell Quinlan
Schnucks Markets
Barb Koch
Reiter Team Real Estate & Cottleville Synergy Center
Jan Mason
Fast Signs
Daniel G. O’Donnell
Law Office of Daniel G. O’Donnell
Cort MacBeth Smith
Smith Estates & Trust, LLC
Jeff Strickland
State Farm Insurance Company
M. Mika Walter
Christian Hospital
Events Recap
Swing Fore Kids Golf Tournament

The 2020 Swing Fore Kids Golf Tournament was held August 7, 2020. Golfers enjoyed great weather, course games, and a round of golf at The Links of Dardenne.
21st Annual Legacy Ball

The 2021 Legacy Ball was held virtually on February 2021. During the livestreamed event, viewers were invited to grant wishes, purchase raffle tickets, and bid on auction items.
We envision a community where ALL people lead fulfilling lives.
Financial Information
Current Assets: $6,527,166
Fixed Assets: $6,268,372
Other Assets: $510,036
Total Assets: $13,305,574
Liabilities & Net Assets
Current Liabilities: $1,251,639
Total Net Assets: $12,053,935
Total Liabilities & Net Assets: $13,305,574
Revenues: $13,495,385

State and Federal Fee for Services: $6,674,541
Developmental Disabilities Resource Board: $3,364,159
COVID Grants and Paycheck Protection Program Loan: $2,511,054
Program Fees-Private Pay: $281,701
United Way: $224,110
Fundraising: $217,635
Other: $150,267
The Community and Children’s Resource Board of St. Charles County: $71,918
Expenses: $12,343,600

Residential Services: $4,514,647
Support Services for Adults: $1,986,401
Administrative: $1,763,215
In-Home Respite: $1,282,617
Social Opportunities and Recreation (SOAR): $857,040
Respite Care Home: $747,730
Adult Recreation: $286,288
Employment Services: $284,863
Respite Center: $249,469
Development: $238,032
Independent Living: $133,298
Thank You, Annual Partners!
Prominent Partner

Distinguished Partners
Key Partners
Major Funders
We’re grateful for the support and assistance from these funders:
Thank You, Donors!
$10,000 and Above
Andrew’s Hugs
Emerson Charitable Trust
$5,000 and Above
Cottleville/Weldon Springs Chamber of Commerce
Mr. and Mrs. David Rozanc, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James Roesch
Everspring Rx
Gateway Fire Protection Systems, Inc
Mr. John C. Boschert
$1,000 and Above
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Alsup
Ameren Missouri
Ms. Michele Ball
Ms. Julie Bartch
Mr. and Mrs. David Bazzell
Mr. and Ms. Rudy D. Beck
BJC HealthCare
Christian Foods / McDonalds
City of St Charles
Community Foundation Serving West Central Illinois & Northwe
Mr. and Mrs. Prasanna Crasta
Ms. Carolee Patek
Rob Hamann Agency, Inc.
Safety National Community & Philanthropy Committee
Mrs. Wendy Sander
SFW Partners, LLC CPAS and Management Consultants
Mr. and Mrs. Cort M. Smith
State Farm Insurance Agency Mr. Jeff Strickland
Mr. and Mrs. David Swain
United Way of Greater St Louis
Mr. and Mrs. Norman W. Williams
Cuivre River Electric Community Trust
Denny & Associates, Inc
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Dent
Mr. Chip Dozier
Edward Jones
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Troy Gladstone
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Griffith
Hackmann Lawn & Landscape, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Howat
Innovation Mechanical, Inc
Katie’s Pizza and Pasta
Ms. and Mr. Erin Lechner
Mastercard – Matching Gifts
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller
Mr. Robert Niedergerke and Ms. Mary Alsup-Niedergerke
Niedner Law – Mr. John Maxwell
Olive A. Dempsey Charitable Trust
$500 and Above
Ms. Denise Abbott
Acropolis Investment Management, LLC
Bax Engineering Co
Bayer – Matching Gift
Ms. Becky Beck
Benco Industrial Equipment, LLC
Benevity, Inc
Mr. George Black and Ms. Michael Leigh Harbour
Mr. Daniel Bruce
Commerce Bancshares Foundation
Rene and Kelly Cope
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dale-Derks
Mr. Kevin D. DeSain and Mrs. Nancy Cope DeSain
Eastern Missouri Laborer’s District Council Charitable Fund
First Community Credit Union
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Fricke
Mr. Grant Glosier
Ms. Janet L. Grafeman
Great Southern Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Green
Mr. Aaron Grygiel
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Hackmann
Mr. James Haftarczyk
Mrs. Evelyn Hawthorne
Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Hoffman
ITW Foundation Matching Gift Program
Knights of Columbus – Fr. William Pezold Council #7198
Ms. Erica Land
Mr. and Mrs. James Lloyd
Ms. Carol Jean Ludwig
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher C. McCoy
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Menze
Ms. Norma Jean Meyer
Missouri Employers Mutual
Mrs. Ruby Moon
Mr. Robert Oker
Pallardy Heating & Cooling
Peoples Bank & Trust
Mr. Darren Piasse
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Piel
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Randolph
Renaissance Financial
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schneider
Mr. Mark Schoene
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Sharp
Mr. Christopher Simerda
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson G. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. William Sneed
Mr. Bill Tadeja
UMB – Matching Gift
Mr. Jeffery Walter and Mrs. Mika Walter
Mr. Allan Wansing
$100 and Above
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Alexander
Mrs. Donna Anderhalter
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Aubuchon
Mr. and Mrs. Hyatt Bangert
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Barkey, Sr.
Baue Funeral Homes
Mrs. Mary Bazzell and Mr. Stanley David Bazzell
Mrs. Betty Beck
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick and Heather Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Berjer
Ms. Cindy Bernsen
Mr. and Mrs. Kalvin Bland
Boone Center Inc
Mrs. Jo Ann Borgmeyer
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bornhop
Ms. Beverly Boyd
Ms. Jennifer Braden
Mr. Joseph Brinker
Brite Pest Control Inc.
Ms. Janice Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bullock
Ms. Jan Burrows
Busey Bank
Ms. Kris Bushang
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Callier
Mrs. Virginia J. Cannon
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Carlile
Mrs. Joyce Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Chautin
Mr. James Chilson
Ms. Sue Cobb
Compass Health Network
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Connolly
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Cook
Cushman & Wakefield
Mr. and Mrs. James Dean
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dempsey
Mr. Kurt Denningmann
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Denny
Mr. Patrick Dickerson
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Dimmic
Mr. and Mrs. John Dishian
Mr. John Ditch
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Donahue
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Donze
Mr. Bob Douglas
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Dozier
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Dubray
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ehlmann
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Ehlmann
Mr. Mike Elam
Emerge Fitness Training
Mr. and Ms. Jeffry Englert
Mr. Tom Estrel
Jacque Fallert
Family Advocacy & Community Training
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Figgins
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Finley
First State Wealth Advisors
Mrs. Marie Fitz
Mr. and Mrs. James Flannery
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Flick
Mr. and Mrs. David Giarla
Mr. Robert Gill
Mr. James Glen and Ms. Constance Cook Glen
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Goode
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gould
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Grailer, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. David Grieshaber
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Grieshaber
Mr. Rich Griffin
Ms. Alison Griffith
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Grosch
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Guenther
Mr. Joseph E. Hallemeier
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Hampton
Mr. William Hargrove and Ms. Fran Steininger
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hecht
Ms. Cynthia Hembrough
Ms. Sara Henderson
Ms. Alice Hensen
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Higgins
Mrs. Judith Hodge
Ms. Susan Hoernschemeyer
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hollander
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hollander
Ms. Barbara Hollander
Mr. Richard Hollander
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Honerkamp
Mr. Paul Horrell
Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Howat
Mr. and Mrs. Lanny Hradek
Mrs. Kim Hudson
Commerce Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Huning
Mrs. Ruth E. Huning
Ms. Jane Janis
Mrs. Judith Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kachevas
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald King
Mr. and Mrs. Philip King
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Kistner
Mr. and Mrs. William Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Donnie Klos
Knights of Columbus, Council 11382, St Elizabeth Ann Seton
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Kohrs
Mr. Zach Kosztony
Mr. and Mrs. John Krekeler
Mr. and Ms. Phil Krupa
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Lamb
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Leach
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Leary
Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Liebel
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Limpert
Llywelyns Pub
Ms. Heather Lytle
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Mabrey
Ms. Mary Macke
Miss Angel Magasano
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mager
Ms. Molly Maher
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mahoney
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Marfisi
Fast Signs St Peters
Mrs. Denise McCulloch
Mr. and Mrs. Fred McGinley
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. McGinley
Mr. Darryl McGraw and Mrs. Jo Ann McGraw
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McIntyre
Ms. Patrice McNeil
Mrs. Kendall McWilliams
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Melchior
Ms. Sheri Menscher
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Meyer
Mississippi Valley Equipment Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mohrmann
Mr. Theodore Molitor
Ms. Suzie Moore
Mr. Jeremy Moore
Mr. Kurt Moore
Mosquito Authority
Mr. and Mrs. David Mulawa
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Mummert
Ms. Jennifer Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Nelson
New Hope Presbyterian Church
Mrs. Gerri Nold
Nothing Bundt Cakes
Mr. and Ms. Dan O’Donnell
O’Fallon Fire Protection District
Ms. Martha Orf
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Pashos
People’s Savings Bank
Mr. Larry Petralia
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Picou
Ms. Erin A. Piel
Ms. Irene Piglowski
Psychological Network, Inc
Mr. and Ms. Vince Puckett
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Quinlan
Ms. Ronna Ragusa
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Rector
Ms. Molly Renken
Mr. and Mrs. David Robben
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Roberts
Ms. Jamie Roderique and Mr. Nick Roderique
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Roesch
Rottler Pest and Lawn Solutions
RX Systems, Inc
Mr. Timothy Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Saale
Ms. Victoria Satory
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Schappe
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schmidt
Ms. Karen Schneider
Scotsman Coin and Jewelry
Mrs. Nancy Seals
Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Sharpe
Mr. Brian Shaw
Shoes and Hope
Mr. and Mrs. James Skellett
Sparkle with Sue ColorStreet Nails
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sparr
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Spring
St Charles County Family YMCA
St Louis Community Foundation
Dr. Nick Stahlschmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Stahlschmidt
Mrs. Laura Stark
Mr. Matthew Starnes
Stauder Technologies
Mr. and Mrs. James Stoehner
Ms. Krista Strahm
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Strickland
T. Rowe Price Charitable
Ms. Connie Tan
Mrs. Janice Tasker
Mr. Dennis Thebeau
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Thornton
Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Marc Thro
Mr. and Mrs. John Tigges
Mr. and Mrs. Arburn Tindall
Ms. Malissa Torre
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Trumann
Ms. Julie Turner
Mr. Harry Tyler and Mrs. Pamela Tyler
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Underwood
United Services for Children
Ms. Rosa Lee Vetter
Mr. Richard Wahlbrink
Ms. Sami Weber
Mr. Nathan Welton
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Whipple
Mr. Douglas Wiley and Mrs. Joyce Wiley
Ms. Kristin Williams and Mr. Rob West
Ms. Sheri Wiltse
Mr. and Mrs. David Woods
Mr. and Mrs. George Worthington
Up to $99
Mr. and Mrs. Hector Aberastury
Mr. and Mrs. Christian Albrecht
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Alt
Ms. Katie Amrhein
Mr. Dan Ananayo
Mr. and Mrs. Brett Auten
Mr. Loren Babb and Ms. Victoria Schmitt-Babb
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Barclay
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Barrett
Mrs. Sue Bazzell and Mr. S. David Bazzell
Ms. Shirley Bergfeld
Ms. Donna Berlekamp
Ms. Gail Sue Bernsen
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Bihr
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Bink
Boeing Employee Individual Giving Program
Ms. Lauren Bolte
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Keith Bolton
Mr. Jack Borgmeyer
Ms. Barbara Bott
Ms. Barbara Ann Brennan
Ms. Barbara Lee Brown
Mrs. Bridget Buescher
Mr. Ryan Buescher
Mr. Wayne Burbach
Ms. Taylor Busse Wengert
Ms. Annette Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Carlisle
Ms. Henrietta Chesnek
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ching
Mr. and Mrs. David Christian
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Christopher
Ms. Christine Cole
Ms. Summer Combs
Commerce Bank
Ms. Rita Cook
Ms. Lisa Cooseman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Corey
Ms. Stephanie Cosman-Hanly
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Crafton
Mr. and Mrs. John Crawford
Ms. Amanda Crawford
Mr. Bob Davis
Ms. Amber De Shafer
Ms. Molly Dempsey
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Dill
Mr. Douglas Dillard and Mrs. Bonita Dickinson-Dillard
Mr. and Ms. Joshua Disman
Ms. Evelyn Dixon
Mr. and Mrs. John Dreher
Mrs. Barbara Drew
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Duello
Mrs. Nancy Duncan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Duncan
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Dyn
Ms. Wendy Edler Mackin
Ms. Nicole Edwards
Mrs. Gloria Ehll
Mr. David H. Engel and Ms. Rhonda C. Donovan
Ms. Lisa Ezeamii
Ms. Sally Faith
Ms. Jeanne Felfe
Mr. Sergio Fernandez
Ms. Louise First
Mr. and Mrs. John Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Foege
Ms. Kerondreial Foster
Mr. Mel Frein
Mr. Mike Fricke
Ms. Pat Friedel
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Gaines
Mr. and Mrs. Max Galaway
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Gant
Ms. Kate Gase
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gehrs
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Gehrs
Ms. Lauren Gelber
Ms. Sherry Gibson
Ms. Ann Gill
Ms. Joan Gingerich
Ms. Marilyn Goeddey
Ms. Stacey Goodwin
Ms. Karen Grant
Mr. and Mrs. Don Grindstaff
Habitat for Humanity of St Charles County
Mrs. Lauren Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hampe
Ms. MaryPat Harms
Mr. Bryan Hartmann
Mrs. Virginia Hazel
Michael Hebert Agency, LLC
Ms. Kathryn Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hiatt
Mr. Scott Hilker
Mrs. Barbara Hilker
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hillmann
Ms. Tammi Hilton
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Hofstetter
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Holtgraewe
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Holzum
Ms. Joy Hoormann
Mr. Phil Hull
Ms. Lucille Huslage
Mrs. Karin Hyatt
Ms. Nancy Johann
Ms. Lila Joins
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Jones
Mrs. Donna S. Jones
Ms. Maggie Jones
Ms. Taylor Julia
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kapeller
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Kappelmann
Ms. Abigail Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. Derek Kessler
Mrs. Karen Kime
Mrs. Julie Kinzie
Ms. Barb Koch
Ms. Jeanette Koechner and Mr. Bill Thomas
Ms. Meg Korte
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kruse
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kullman
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip LaBanca
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Lagemann
Ms. Kathy Lawton Brown
Ms. Carolyn Layloff
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Layton
Mr. Gerry Leeker
Mr. Kenneth Levin
Ms. Linda Lewis
Knights of Columbus – Fr. William Pezold Council #7198
Mrs. Betsy Lippincott
Ms. Fern Loos
Ms. Tim Lorenz
Ms. Annette Luekenotte
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Luetkenhaus
Mr. and Mrs. William Lynch
Mrs. Donna Manthey
Mr. Fred Marshall
Ms. Joyce Martin
Ms. Michelle Martin
Mr. and Ms. Russ Mason
Ms. Joan Mass
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Mazzacavallo
Mr. James McCurren
Mr. Carl McDowell, Jr.
Ms. Colene McEntee
Mr. and Mrs. Gene McEntee
Ms. Lois McNames
Mr. Stephen Meszaros
T.M. and J.A. Meyer
Ms. Gert Meyer
Ms. Carol Miller and Ms. Kim Freeman
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Montgomery
Mr. Dan Moore
Mr. Randy Mueller
Mr. Matthew Nelke
Ms. Sharon Nelson
Ms. Dorothy Nelson
Network for Good – Fund Distributor
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Oakley
Ms. Donna O’Donnell
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Orf
Ms. Kristen Paez
Carolee Patek
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pohl
Ms. Donna Redd
Ms. Patricia Reed
Mr. Albert Reinsch
Ms. Jennifer Reinsch
Mr. Art Repovich
Dr. Leah Riter
Mr. Nick Roderique and Ms. Jamie Roderique
Mrs. Pam Roeber
Mrs. Loretta Ross
Mr. Karl R. Schalk
Mr. Thomas Schmidt
Ms. Taylor Scott
Ms. Amber Shafer
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Siders
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Simonson
Mr. Scott Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Sisak
Mr. Walter Sitzwohl
Jamie Skyles
Sommer Investments, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Spalding
Mr. Dave Spies and Mrs. Julie Spies
St Louis LIFE
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Stoehner
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Streff
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Strickland
Ms. Blanche Stroud
Ms. Anna Suprenant
Ms. Avi Suri
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Thompson
Ms. Kayla Tiller
Ms. Erin Turner
Ms. Jennifer Valentino
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Valvero
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Vineyard
Ms. M. Lisa Vogt
Mrs. Mika Walter
Ms. Lynn Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. David Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Cory Weber
Ms. Katlin Weber
Mr. Daniel Wegman and Mrs. Mary Ann Wegman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Weissflog
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wessler
Mr. and Mrs. Larry White
Ms. Barb Willems
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle R. Williams
Ms. Lauren Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wisor
Mr. Joseph Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wood
Mr. Ken Wooldridge
Ms. Trish Wright
Mr. Craig Yodis and Ms. Michelle Martin-Yodis
Mr. Eric Zvanut
In-Kind Donors
Academy of the Sacred Heart
Ms. Deanna Andel
Barre Harmony
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bax
Mr. and Mrs. David Bazzell
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick and Heather Bell
Bogey Hills Country Club
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Keith Bolton
Boys & Girls Club of St Charles County
Mrs. Jeanne Buschart
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Cain
Carrollton Bank
Catering To You
Central Bank of St Louis
Community and Children’s Resource Board of St Charles County
Community Council of St Charles County
Craft Alliance Center
Ms. Kathy Crane
Denny & Associates, Inc
Derienzo’s Pizza
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Dozier
Ms. Jill Edelen
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Ellersieck
Mr. and Ms. Jeffry Englert
First State Wealth Advisors
Gateway Grizzlies
Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Glaze
Grace River Church
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Griffith
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Hackmann
Mr. Joseph E. Hallemeier
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Hannegan
Mr. Mark Haynes
Ms. Vicki Hedges-Oldani
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hieb
Mr. and Mrs. David Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Howat
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Johannesman
Mr. Jacob Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kachevas
Kennelwood Pet Resorts
Mr. and Mrs. William Klein
Ms. Jeanette Koechner
Kokomo Joe’s Family Fun Center
Krey Distributing Company
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Leach
Ms. and Mr. Erin Lechner
Ms. Molly Maher
McAlister’s Deli
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher C. McCoy
Ms. Cathy McGovern
Ms. Patrice McNeil
Mrs. Kendall McWilliams
Missouri Botanical Garden
Mr. Robert Niedergerke and Ms. Mary Alsup-Niedergerke
Mr. and Ms. Dan O’Donnell
Mr. and Mrs. John Oldani
Ms. Kristen Paez
Ms. Katie Page
Ms. Tracy Parisis
Ms. Carolee Patek
PRP Wine International
Ms. Amanda Quast
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Quinlan
Randy’s Jewelry, Inc
Mr. and Mrs. David Robben
Rotary Club of Cottleville/Weldon Springs
Ms. Kathleen Settles
St Louis Ambush Soccer
Ms. Mary Stoverink
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Strickland
Switchgrass Spirits
The Glass Workbench
The Magic House
United Services for Children
Mr. William Volker
Ms. Brittany Warren
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Whipple
Mr. and Mrs. Larry White
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Williams
Ms. Sheri Wiltse
World Martial Arts Academy
We have made every effort in this list to acknowledge every donor. We apologize for any errors or omissions. For corrections, please contact the Development Office at (636) 970-2800.