Teen Club is an after-school program for individuals, ages 12-21 enrolled in middle or high school. The
program builds confidence and socialization skills in a safe and supportive environment at various sites throughout St. Charles County.
Teen Club allows youth to maintain critical skills and parents to maintain employment.
- Teen Club is offered when school is in session, including most early-release days.
- Hours: When school releases to 6 p.m.
- Locations: Six sites are offered through the following school districts: St. Charles, Francis Howell, Fort Zumwalt, Wentzville and Boonslick State School.
- Activities include cooking, crafts, field trips, science experiments, outside activities and more.
- Cost: $5/hour for St. Charles County residents; plus cost of field trips. For residents of other counties, please call for private pay rate.
- Sliding-scale scholarships may be available.
- Staff ratio is based on need.
- Transportation is provided by school districts to the site. Parents/caregivers are responsible for pick up. Field trip transportation is provided by Community Living.
- Snacks are provided.
- Must be able to participate in an environment with non-medical personnel.